Welcome to the Women's Philanthropic Investment Group (WPIG) Blog.


International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

On Sunday October 17, the United Nations observed the 24th annual International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This day is as an essential reminder that, in times of economic downturn, it is especially important to reflect on how we can help people who are less fortunate than us.

During this year alone, the percentage of Americans living in poverty hit a 15-year high: one in seven, or 44 million. This astounding number of Americans living in poverty has given scholars and politicians new material for an old argument. In today’s New York Times, Patricia Cohen writes about the contentious term, “The Culture of Poverty”.

Cohen writes that unlike the sociologists of the 1960’s, social scientists today have “rejected the notion of a monolithic and unchanging culture of poverty”. Instead of attributing destructive attitudes and behavior to an inherent “bad” moral character, sociologists are finally recognizing the impact of sustained racism and isolation. This shift in thought is important beyond academia. Much of the research on the “culture of poverty” intersects policy debates and can ultimately influence social welfare laws.

While lawmakers and academia continue to focus on large scale solutions for combating sustained racism and isolationism, individuals and groups like WPIG can support the fight to eradicate poverty in small but powerful ways. The U.N. has suggested that groups, as well as individuals, focus on supporting organizations and ideas that lead to sustainable models for economic stability through job creation.

http://www.idealist.org/ blogged that a great place to start helping people living in poverty is through organizations that facilitate microlending. Over the last few years, WPIG members have supported microcredit organizations like www.kiva.org. Microcredit programs provide small loans to individuals living in poverty. This innovative method of empowering people, effectively breaks the cycle of poverty. Check out www.kiva.org today.

"The campaign to make poverty history-a central moral challenge of our age-cannot remain a task for the few, it must become a calling for the many. On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, I urge everyone to join this struggle. Together, we can make real and sufficient progress towards the end of poverty." -Kofi Annan


Giving differnces?

Today I came across an interesting link on http://www.philanthropy.com/ According to this study, over half of all young Americans (generations X and Y) are giving to charity. The amount of money donated is small, especially compared to older adults. Of course the older we get, the more able we are to donate. The fact that over half of young Americans are supporting charity, especially during time of economic downturn is encouraging. Keep up the good work!

Support WPIG when you eat out this fall and winter.

WPIG partnered with Celebrated Chefs last year and the result has been excellent! The support we have received has helped increase our giving power and our ability to support organizations like our charity of the year, Ryther Child Center. This October, we would like to increase our Celebrated Chefs membership by 160 new participants! Are you ready to sign up? All you have to do is eat out...

Curious about Celebrated Chefs? Celebrated Chefs is an organization that brings together over 80 of the finest restaurants in Seattle area with non-profits like ours. You need only to enroll in the FREE program and enjoy fine dining at participating Celebrated Chefs restaurants.
How does it work?

Enroll in the Celebrated Chefs program and designate WPIG as the organization you wish to support. Then simply dine out with the Visa, MasterCard, or AMEX you enroll as part of your membership. The restaurants donate 5% of your dining bill to our cause automatically!
Really no fee or cost to me?

Yes really! There is absolutely no enrollment fee or hidden costs to you! Once you sign up you will receive a Celebrated Chefs Cookbook containing a signature recipe from each participating restaurant. The cookbook is their way of introducing you to the wonderful fare you will experience when you dine at the area’s finest restaurants.
Free, but will my information be sold or given away?

No! Your information is never given to any third parties.
Is it secure?

Yes, Celebrated Chef is Visa, MasterCard and AMEX certified. All website communication is secured by the same technology used by banks to protect their customers.
Ready to sign up? Click here!