The women of WPIG have been busy!
We are excited to announce that in April we were incorporated in the State of Washington as a non-profit. We are on our way to being recognized and operating as an official 501c3 non-profit organization!
March kicked off our first quarterly volunteer activity at
West Side Baby. We sorted and shelved clothes and items of all sorts. This non-profit organization in West Seattle collects previously owned items for children and babies and distributes them free of charge to South King County families in need. For more information or if you would like to volunteer or donate to this great organization please visit their website at 
In May, Edna & Katie were a part of the spring Girls on the Run

5k program.
Girls on the Run (GOTR) mission is to use the power of running to educate and prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. 3rd – 5th grade girls are the target of this 10 week program with the finale being a 5k run to let the girls shine in their sense of accomplishment. Edna and Katie had their hands full being “running buddies” to Abby and Kate. To learn more about this program and how you can become a Running Buddy please visit 
On a sunny beautiful day this June the Women of WPIG once again came together to volunteer at our 2010 Charity –
Ryther Child Services. The morning was spent painting a toy shed and thoroughly cleaning all of the Ryther Vans!! This was quite the task considering that some of these vans hadn’t been cleaned in

months. Just imagine what damage pre-teen & teen boys can do to the interior of a vehicle. We are looking forward to more volunteer activities and raising funds at our
annual event in October for this great organization!
Keep up the good work WPIG of Seattle and I love the new ghost writer!!!! xo, Meghan.