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Auction Sneak Peek #29 - Glassybaby

We are honored to share with you the inspiring story behind the Seattle-based company, glassybaby. 

When the first glassybaby was created in 1998, Lee Rhodes, glassybaby creator and founder, was raising her three small children and fighting what would become a 7-year battle with a rare form of lung cancer. She had endured surgery, countless rounds of chemotherapy, and was searching for a few moments of serenity to escape the fear that encompassed her life. Inspired by the beauty of these elegant vessels, Lee filled them with tea lights and scattered them throughout her home. She found great hope and healing in their color, light and love.
FMV $40

FMV $40
To honor those who have walked down her same path, Lee established glassybaby goodwill, which remains the company's foundation and mission. During her cancer treatment, Lee met many other patients who could not afford even daily needs such as bus fare, childcare, or groceries. Today, much of the money donated by glassybaby goes directly toward meeting those basic needs. Each year, the company spreads hope by supporting charities dedicated to health, healing, and quality of life.

Thank you to glassybaby for the positive work that you are doing in our community, and for supporting wpig. 

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