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Mary's Place

It's amazing how many impressive non-profit organizations there are in the Seattle area that are making a positive impact on our community every single day.  Sometimes, we may not even know about these great organizations until we have a personal experience with them.  Today, we would like to personally introduce you to Mary's Place

Mary’s Place Day Center is a weekday program that provides a welcoming and accepting environment where homeless women and their children can build community, enrich their days and find resources to restore their lives.

Their programs include:
Two hot meals per day
AA/NA Meetings
Bastyr Naturopathic Clinic
Bon Mary’s Incentive Program
Clothing Distribution
Community Service Site
Field Trips
Housing and Employment Resources
Hygiene, Shower and Laundry Service
Lingerie Program
Mail and Phone Services
Medical Care
Move-In Assistance
Resource Referrals
Shelter Referrals
Support Groups: Domestic Violence, Seeking Safety, Treatment Options and Referral
Volunteer Services
YWCA Health Access Program

Mary's Place most certainly aligns with our mission of helping women and children move from a place of need to one of self-sufficiency.  We are so excited to partner with Mary's Place for our next volunteering opportunity.  Stay tuned for a report about this in early June!