Welcome to the Women's Philanthropic Investment Group (WPIG) Blog.


An Amazing Night

Last Friday, you helped us in making our annual event the most successful to date.  We raised just under $30,000 to support Ryther and future WPIG charities.  We were truly blown away by the support and so grateful to all those who attended, donated, volunteered, and pitched-in in so many different ways. 
Thank you.   

The day began early as WPIG members gathered to start setting up at the Fremont Abby
WPIG members Tanya, Jenna, and Alisha set up the Ryther children's art table.
Do you think WPIG supporter Matt Morgan is happy with the art he won by WPIG member/artist Teri Foehl?
Artist/donor Jessica Oldwyn and husband Danny.
Volunteer bartender extraordinaire, Eric Krieger!
WPIG members Ronke and Reeni
WPIG member Becca Hardy did a fantastic job in leading "Raise the Paddle!"
Ryther Executive Director/CEO, Lee Grogg
Thank you to everyone who attended - Can you find yourself!?
WPIG members with Ryther staff members Lee Grogg - Executive Director/CEO, Robin Bennett - Development Director, and Clay Thompson - Development Associate

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