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Auction Sneak Peek #32 - That's All Folks!

Over the past few weeks we've showcased some of the amazing art & goods that will be available at our auction, TOMORROW.  It has been a joy to introduce you to some of our amazing supporters and donors.  AND, there is so much more to see at the auction!  So looking forward to seeing you there. 

And without further ado, we have one last donor we'd like you to meet, Andy Patchin

You may know Andy as the creator of this...

He designed our logo! 

Andy has donated the following photographs to the auction: 
12” x 18” photograph taken in La Parva, Chile looking back at Santiago. The city of Santiago is below the clouds.

12” x 18” photograph taken at 3 am looking at Las Lenas, Argentina.  (Sorry, you will have to come to the auction to see this one, and it's awesome!)

Andy is also the design guru at Folsom Custom Skis, which is donating some wall art skis!  Please learn more about this cool business here

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